7 Fascinating Facts About Sand Dollars
One of the most popular shells at Fort Myers Beach is the Sand Dollar! Live Sand Dollars are plentiful in the waters of Fort Myers Beach and are beautiful too look at during low tide. Locals and tourists alike enjoy walking the beach in the mornings looking for Sand Dollar skeletons (dead Sand Dollars) to add to their shell collections. Because they are so popular, we thought you might enjoy learning a bit more about these lovely sea creatures. When you stay with us at Mango Street Inn , you're sure to see a lot of them! In this week's blog we highlight 7 fascinating facts you probably never knew about Sand Dollars. Sand Dollars are a Type of Sea Urchin Sand Dollars are a type of Sea Urchin, only instead of long pointy spines, Sand Dollars have short spines on the outside of their shells that are covered in very small hairs. They are frequently found together due to their preference for soft bottom areas (convenient for reproduction). Folklore & Legend Repre...